Crepe Makers
Krampouz 15.75″ Round Electric Cast Iron Single Crepe Maker, 240V (CEBIF4)
Krampouz 15.75″ Electric Cast Iron Single Crepe Maker, 240V (CECIF4)
Krampouz 15.75″ Electric Cast Iron Double Crepe Maker, 240V (CECIJ4)
Krampouz 15.75″ Gas Cast Iron Single Crepe Maker, 24,000 BTU (CGCID4)
Krampouz 15.75″ Gas Cast Iron Double Crepe Maker, 48,000 BTU (CGCIM4)
Our website displays the Commercial Crepe Makers that we keep in regular stock or can access quickly. For more Crepe Makers please contact us or see our suppliers’ websites.